Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Skills Assessment

As I started this lesson I felt a little frustrated. What skills do I have?... I am glad we had these assessments to take. They really helped me to see what skills I truly have and that I am pretty good at some of them :)
Okay so three skills I enjoy...
1. Listening
2. Writing
3. Handling people/working with the public
Three skills I perform well...
1. Communicating
2. Creating
3. Supporting
Three skills I would like to develop...
1. Researching
2. Critical-thinking
3. Projecting/Forecasting
The skills I would like to develop from the employer's top 10 are...
1. As I mentioned above Analytical/Research
2. Leadership/Management skills

As for my plans to developing these skills... I tend to be a little more shy and what some would consider a "push over" I am the peacemaker and always tend to follow to avoid an argument, or debate. My husband is my total opposite. I am slowly learning to say just what I think and feel. I am finding it is far better for me and those around me to do so. I am working on building more self-confidence by pushing myself out of my "bubble". Attending school is helping me with some of these things I would like to improve on, such as the research aspect. I still want to be the same Tara, just with more confidence, and new and improved skills. With the Leadership/Management I plan to try to take to lead more on things and stop following.

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